
New York Personal Injury Attorney

Providing Attorney Representation in New York, NY since 1992

New York Amputation Injury Attorney

If you or someone you love has been the victim of an amputation injury, you may have a case to claim compensation for your injuries. Contact us here at the law office of the New York Injury Attorney today to discuss your case:

Amputation injuries can occur due to all types of accidents such as:

A medical amputation is usually only performed when a patient has an infection that requires an amputation or the patient has suffered a terrible accident resulting in an amputation injury.

Our New York Injury Lawyer Builds Strong Cases

A person may have been working at a construction site and got a finger or a limb caught in a machine; such an accident may result in an amputation injury. Many amputation injuries are as a result of such work site accidents. If the accident was due to poor safety regulations, improperly maintained equipment, or any other condition outside of the victim’s control, a personal injury lawsuit is appropriate.

Amputation injuries are incredibly painful and slow to heal; months of hospitalization and therapy are very expensive. And unfortunately in situations where the body part amputated was more than just a finger or a toe; the victim may be permanently disabled and never be able to go back to work.

The New York Injury Attorney is an experienced personal injury and accident lawyer that works aggressively on every client’s behalf. If your amputation injury was caused by the negligence of another, you deserve compensation for your suffering. Contact our office today for a free initial consultation regarding your case.